Tailored Coaching Packages to Fit Your Unique Needs and Goals

Align & Activate

Are you feeling bored or uninspired in your day-to-day or your career? Do you feel like you have buried potential? If your focus is on short term goals, you are looking for clarity, or need a nudge towards ambition, this is for you!
  • Eight insightful & life-changing sessions when you put in the work
  • Define specifics on your primary goals
  • Identify opportunities and strengths
  • Build a foundation for personal growth
  • Begin to create a growth mindset and shift perception and confidence
  • Develop courage to take inspired action towards change and growth

Align & Shift

“I just don’t know what I want.” Are you fueled with inspiring ideas, but are feeling stuck or uncertain? If you’re seeking a promotion, career change, more fulfillment in your current role, or to create a shift in your personal life, let's do this!
  • 12 insightful & life-changing sessions when you put in the work
  • In-depth analysis of personal strengths and weaknesses and how to leverage them
  • Strategies for overcoming obstacles that may arise when pursuing personal growth
  • Discover where imbalances are in the 8 main pillars of your life
  • Learn how to shift limiting beliefs to empowering beliefs
  • Reframe challenges in decision making and develop frameworks for confidence
  • Resources and tools for developing mindfulness and awareness
  • Opportunities for networking in mastermind meet-up groups

Align & Execute

Maybe you’ve been on your self discovery journey for a while and you’ve reached a dead end or a lull. You’re in a place where you need some tough love, supportive accountability and encouragement to break through that threshold.
  • 16 insightful & life-changing sessions when you put in the work
  • Customized personal growth plan, including long-term goals with ongoing accountability
  • Advanced techniques for utilizing a growth mindset and overcoming fear
  • Deep exploration and optimization of the 7 main pillars of life and how to achieve balance and fulfillment in each area
  • Exclusive training on cognitive reframing and neuro linguistic programming
  • Work through fear of change and risk analysis
  • Exploration of differences between passion and purpose and how to leverage this knowledge for greater impact
  • Opportunities for networking in mastermind meet up groups
  • Customized habit building strategies that impact your daily life and long term success

Elevate in a Day

A single session with Align Life Works coaching is a perfect way to get a taste of our transformative coaching process or give you the final push you need if you are close to obtaining a goal. During this session, clients will have the opportunity to work one-on-one with a professional coach to focus on a specific area or issue they are facing. This session can help clients gain clarity and momentum towards a specific goal, and inspire you to continue working towards their full potential.
  • Single 1 hour one-on-one session with a professional coach
  • Define your personal/career goals
  • Guidance to complete a current goal
  • Support developing a basic action plan

What is a Discovery Call:

Curious about life coaching and if it’s the right fit for you? Reserve your spot for a complimentary 15-minute discovery call with me. This session is an introduction, offering you the opportunity to get to know me, and vice versa. Together, we’ll delve into your goals, aspirations, and challenges. I’ll also share insights into the programs available, providing a glimpse into the transformative journey ahead and determine which best suits your needs. This conversation is designed to bring clarity, understanding, and eliminate any doubts about whether life coaching is the right option for you. It’s more than just a chat; it’s your first courageous step towards positive change. I invite you to uncover the possibilities with me and set yourself on the path to success!